Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About SGD

Q1. What is SGD?
Q2. What data and information does SGD contain?
Q3. How is SGD structured?
Q4. How do I cite SGD?
Q5. How can I contact SGD?

Data Curation, Submission and Download

Q6. Can I submit my data to SGD?
Q7. Can I download data from SGD?
Q8. Who should I contact if I think I have found a mistake in the database?
Q9. Who contributes data and/or assistance to SGD?
Q10. How do I know what’ s coming next in SGD?

SGD Data

Q11. Is there a tutorial or help section?
Q12. Do I need a SGD account to access data?


Q1. What is SGD?
A. B. This is the first database oriented in hosting genomics information of sugarcane, set up by Center for genomics and biotechnology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China.

Q2. What data and information does SGD contain?
A. SGD aims to be the leading database for sugarcane genomics. Currently, the SGD host significant search tools and available dataset for researcher to study gene expression, molecular marker and gene annotation of Saccharum spontaneum(L). We also implemented a genomic browser that visualizes genomic data interactively and performed Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. SGD also includes several additional pages for bulk data download, detailed user manual and data integration information. This current SGD is Version 1.0, so we will update it continuously.

Q3. How is SGD structured?
A. SGD is a relatively user-friendly online platform. A list of functions/tools were offered, including Introduction, Tools, Search, Download, Help. Users could find information easily through this menu.

Q4. How do I cite SGD?
A. If you use any function or tool, or you want to cite SGD, please cite related papers in homepages.

Q5. How can I contact SGD?
A. Please feel free to contact Joychen E-mail:

Q6. Can I submit my data to SGD?
A. We strongly encourage users to submit their data either genome or transcriptome to SGD. Please contact Joychen for technical help.

Q7. Can I download data from SGD?
A. Yeah, welcome to use any data for research purpose without any restrictions. For commercial purposes, please contact us before you use any data, we will reply you ASAP.

Q8. Who should I contact if I think I have found a mistake in the database?
A. To report a bug, e-mail to Joychen E-mail:

Q9. Who contributes data and/or assistance to SGD?
A. Data sources were concisely introduced in SGD. The other tools and introduction were created by us. References were listed in each section.

Q10. How do I know what’ s coming next in SGD?
A. News and events will be updated on the homepage of SGD.

Q11. Is there a tutorial or help section?
A. Click the Help button, you will find almost everything you need. If there's any other problem, feel free to contact us.

Q12. Do I need a SGD account to access data?
A. Currently not needed. No registration is needed to access all data on SGD. But please be noted that if you use it for commercial usage, contact us first.